The current state of the planning
The general framing of the gathering is seeking to balance hosted spaces and input, with open spaces and self-design. We hope to achieve this by inviting and preparing the content for the mornings, whilst the afternoons are open for all else to take place, followed by long evenings of live performances, music and dance.
Please note that the schedule is subject to change. (Last Update: 01.08.2018 15.22h)

The trigger for the gathering is the fact that YIP celebrates 10 years of its existence, and there will be a moment/evening to acknowledge that. However, the intention is not to reminiscence on the past, but rather to look ahead to see what’s approaching for this initiative and the network that it’s connected to. We will look at the future in a more generic way, as well as specific to YIP and the network.
To frame these days, there will be the themes ‘Initiate’, ‘Authenticate’, ‘Collaborate’ and ‘Transform’. These themes will be mainly reflected in the mornings, as the afternoons are open for everyone’s input and initiatives.
About the themes

Initiate explores the paradigm shift, inner development and/or believe systems that we seek to foster at YIP and that seeks to align our thoughts, paradigms and motivations to be in-line with life endorsing, creative, regenerative, truthful and spiritually lawful perceptions, thoughts and actions.
It is one of the core gestures and intentions underlying the YIP initiative and a prerequisite for any true social entrepreneurship as understood by YIP.
The question for this day could be; What future importance, development and trend do you see for people’s active engagement in the expanding and transforming of their consciousness and worldview?
Authenticate (or ‘learning’) covers the realm of integrating experiences, making them one’s own. It is another way to describe education. YIP primarily being an educational initiative is constantly seeking how to best offer learning, whilst holding space for the authentication of the learned. It is always a current and big question for the program.
Over the years other attempts and initiatives have joined the YIP network and collaborations, some of which are represented by those of you who read this update. One thing that seems to unite these different approaches is that they support the individual in their very independent learning, and yet offer a setting, operating system or framework that provides each with a community. A community that can help and support, but also hold accountable and keep each other connected. Initiatives like Classroom Alive, Open Masters and U-labs are invited to join the conversation.
The question for this day could be; What future and trend do you observe that host, foster and balances the highly individualistic alongside the collective, whilst people are authenticating/educating for their working service to society?

Collaborate looks at the realm of stepping into your service to the world/collective after having passed through a highly individualist learning journey. Similar to ‘Authenticate’, the challenge is to allow for very diverse, specific and individual ways of working, whilst still maintaining a sense of community, colleagueship and collaboration. It is always a current and big question for the YIP network.
More and more operating systems are found and developed to support this new way of working and operating. This area seems to have a lot of buzz and is of great importance, especially to the alumni and the network, it seems essential to discuss as part of the future for the larger YIP initiative. Initiatives like Enspiral, Art of Hosting and others will join the conversation.
The question for this day could be; What are the new ways of working and collaborating in a de-centralized, highly individualist, non-hierarchical and yet joint effort? What would a ‘self-aware’ YIP network be able to achieve?
Transform follows from the steps before. Given that you have stepped into your initiation/initiative and changed to a more integral worldview and paradigm, you will have a lot to learn, re-learn and authenticate. Stepping out to work and manifest some of the intentions resulting from your transformed way of seeing and being in the world, will require collaboration and colleagueship, for which the operating system is still developing.
With an expanded worldview, and having learned/authenticated new knowledge, the next step is to apply both in our daily life and in service to society and the world.
Now, action needs to follow intention and what was earlier understood, needs to be applied and practiced to prove its relevance and contribution to the collective, whilst transforming the status quo.
The calling question for this last day, stays open, and to be properly formed depending on the earlier days. Also, the conversation panel for this day will be formed during the course of the gathering.